Grapefruit Marmalade
2 kg grapefruit
4 litres water
6 kg sugar
Cut the grapefruit into quarters, remove the seeds and white centres and slice the fruit finely. Put the pips and centres into a small basin with a little of the water. Cover the grapefruit with the rest of the water and stand for 24 hours. Next day pour the water off the pips and add to the fruit. Put into pan and boil for 1 hour. Add the sugar and boil until fruit is soft and will set when tested. Bottle and seal.
Someone brought mandarins to the june Harvest Basket. I'm sorry I don't know who it was but they said the fruit was cumquats but I am pretty sure they are mandarins. Yummy anyway. Today I followed a recipe for Mandarin Marmalade that I have not made before. It was a bit of a fiddle as I had to boil the fruit until the liquid was reduced to half and then measure it and add cup for cup in sugar. It seemed like a lot of sugar but it seems to have turned out alright. However in future I will stick to my lemon marmalade recipe for mandarins. No fiddle with
that one. I will bring some jars of the marmalade I made today to the July Harvest Basket.
Well, I have now made the grapefruit marmalade recipe I posted earlier. I halved the recipe as I realised the whole thing would not fit in my pan. It worked out brilliantly, a really nice marmalade. It makes a lot - even with half the recipe I got 12 decent sized jars, so be prepared! I found it took about 45 minutes of cooking before reaching setting point.